Table of Contents
This tutorial provides an illustrative analysis of the hPSC dataset from Chu et al. using MeDuSA.
In this tutorial, we will use a dataset obtained from the hPSC cell line to estimate cell-state abundance along the hPSC differentiation trajectory in bulk RNA-seq data using MeDuSA. We will then validate the performance of MeDuSA by comparing the estimated cell-state abundance with that measured from scRNA-seq data.
Prior to running the analysis, it is important to ensure that the MeDuSA package has been installed. For installation instructions, please refer to the following link.
Input Data #
requires two types of input data:
- Bulk RNA-seq data.
- Single cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data, which should be provided in the form of a Seurat object that includes the annotated cell-state trajectory and cell types.
For how to prepare the cell-state trajectory data, please read the section of Preparing Reference Data
in this tutorial.
The input data required for running this tutorial can be downloaded from the following link. Detailed information regarding the input data is provided as follows.
1. Bulk RNA-seq Data #
# Load the example bulk RNA-seq data
bulk = readRDS("../hPSC_bulk.rds")
The bulk RNA-seq data is represented in a matrix format, where each row corresponds to a specific gene and each column corresponds to a particular sample.
2. Reference scRNA-seq Data #
# Load the example scRNA-seq data
sce = readRDS("./hPSC_sce.rds")
[1] "Seurat"
[1] "SeuratObject"
H1_Exp1.001 H1_Exp1.002 H1_Exp1.003
MKL2 0.006680284 0.074591629 0.001734291
CD109 0.004262021 0.001206358 0.096426585
ABTB1 0.000000000 0.012892380 0.000000000
H1_Exp1.001 H1_Exp1.002 H1_Exp1.003
0.8623402 0.7571288 0.6784661
H1_Exp1.001 H1_Exp1.002 H1_Exp1.003
"hPSC" "hPSC" "hPSC"
For compatibility with MeDuSA, the reference scRNA-seq data must be in the Seurat object format. Specifically, the reference data should be stored in sce@assays$RNA@counts
, the cell-state trajectory in sce$cell_trajectory
, and the cell-type in sce$cell_type
. For more information about Seurat, please refer to the following resource.
Cell-State Deconvolution Analysis #
# Documentations
1. Basic Usage of MeDuSA #
This section provides an introduction to the basic usage of MeDuSA.
- bulk: A matrix of bulk RNA-seq data.
- sce: A Seurat object of scRNA-seq data.
- select.ct: A character variable indicating the focal cell type.
- markerGene: A character vector containing the marker genes across the cell-state trajectory.If not provided, MeDuSA will utilize the
function to select marker genes for the analysis. - resolution: A numeric variable used to specify the number of cell-state bins along the cell trajectory.
- smooth: A boolean variable to determine whether to smooth the estimated cell-state abundance.
- span: A numeric variable to control the degree of smoothing.
- fractional: A boolean variable to determine whether to normalize the estimated cell-state abundance to the fractional abundance (0-1).
- ncpu: The number of CPU cores to be used.
For further details about the parameters, please refer to this link.
MeDuSA_obj = MeDuSA(bulk,sce,
select.ct = 'embry',markerGene = NULL,span = 0.35,
resolution = 50,smooth = TRUE,fractional = TRUE,ncpu = 4)
The results are stored in MeDuSA_obj@Estimation
- The estimated cell-state abundance:
- The median state (pseudo-time) of cell-state bins:
- The used marker genes:
2. P-Values of the Random Effects Component #
After completing the deconvolution analysis using MeDuSA, users can utilize the MeDuSA_VarExplain function to obtain the explained variance of the bulk data by the reference scRNA-seq data, as well as the corresponding p-values.
MeDuSA_obj = MeDuSA_VarExplain(MeDuSA_obj)
The results is stored in MeDuSA_obj@VarianceExplain
Preparing Reference Data #
It is important to note that in real-world applications, users should annotate the cell-state trajectory based on their own data and research interests. There are many methods to infer the cell trajectory in scRNA-seq data, such as:
In this tutorial, we use the CytoTRACE to infer the differentiation trajectory of hPSCs.
1. Download Raw scRNA-seq Data #
We will download the raw data from the GEO database.
#the scRNA-seq data
2.Processing Raw scRNA-seq Data #
#1. Load the count data
sce = fread('/Users/songliyang/Documents/MeDuSA_new/revision/embry/GSE75748_sc_cell_type_ec.csv.gz')
sce =
rownames(sce) = sce[,1];sce = sce[,-1]
#2. Infer the cell-state trajectory
cyto = CytoTRACE(sce,enableFast = F,ncores = 4)
pseudotime = cyto$CytoTRACE
#3. Build the reference scRNA-seq data
sce = CreateSeuratObject(sce)
sce$cell_type = 'embry'
sce$cell_trajectory = pseudotime
sce$sample = as.vector(Idents(sce))
# We suggest users to normalize cell-size in the reference data before running deconvolution analysis, although MeDuSA is generally robust to varying data scales
sce@assays$RNA@counts = sweep(as.matrix(sce@assays$RNA@counts),2,colSums(sce@assays$RNA@counts),'/')*1e+3
Validation of the MeDuSA Method #
This hPSC dataset includes both bulk RNA-seq data and scRNA-seq data from the same sample. It is expected that the cell-state abundance would strongly correlate between the two types of data, despite potential variations in the sequenced specimens. To validate the MeDuSA method, we will compare the estimated cell-state abundance from the bulk data to that measured from the scRNA-seq data.
# Load the data
bulk = readRDS("../hPSC_bulk.rds")
sce = readRDS("./hPSC_sce.rds")
# Estimate cell-state abundance from the scRNA-seq data
pseudotime = sce$cell_trajectory
sampleID = sce$sample
pseudotime = pseudotime[names(sampleID)]
abundance_expect = sapply(unique(sampleID),function(id){
pseudotime_temp = sort(pseudotime[which(sampleID == id)])
pseudotime_temp = pseudotime_temp
count_temp = hist(pseudotime_temp,breaks = seq(0,1,(1/50)))$counts
abundance_temp = count_temp/sum(count_temp)
rownames(abundance_expect) = paste0('bin',seq(1,nrow(abundance_expect)))
# Run MeDuSA
MeDuSA_obj = MeDuSA(bulk,sce,
select.ct = 'embry',markerGene = NULL,span = 0.35,
resolution = 50,smooth = TRUE,fractional = TRUE,ncpu = 4)
markerGene = MeDuSA_obj@Estimation$markerGene
abundance_estimate = MeDuSA_obj@Estimation$cell_state_abundance
TimeBin = MeDuSA_obj@Estimation$TimeBin
# Visualize
commonId = intersect(colnames(abundance_expect),colnames(abundance_estimate))
abundance_expect = abundance_expect[,commonId]
abundance_estimate = abundance_estimate[,commonId]
dat = data.frame('MeDuSA' = c(abundance_estimate),'CytoTRACE' = c(abundance_expect))
p1 = ggplot(dat,aes(x=CytoTRACE,y=MeDuSA))+
geom_smooth(method = 'lm',col='black',se=F)